Virtual visits to the Archeological park of Apollonia

Virtual visits to the Archeological park of Apollonia

 For those who are interested in the history of Albania, the Archaeological Park of Apollonia in the city of Fier now enables a new application that offers a virtual visit to 360 degrees.

The application is part of the cooperation of the Ministry of Culture with the SIG Foundation and is part of the Albanian government program for the digitalization of cultural assets in our country.
Ervin Rushitaj, the expert of the SIG foundation, told ATSH, that “through this application, we aim to bring as many tourists to our country by offering them realistic views in 360 degrees, that when seen through virtual glasses give the feeling of being real in the places you explore”.

This project brings another innovation for Apollonia, which is the application on two major platforms android and IOS. We have integrated the virtual tour in 360 degrees within the application, we have also integrated the monuments and facilities offered by Apolonia which can be seen and with appropriate descriptions.

This application helps every tour operator, creating the possibility of informing in advance what a tourist expects to see in Apollonia Park and is an attractive additional tool.

Ornela Dyrmishaj, Director of the Archaeological Park of Fier said that “the new application is made for the first time for archeological parks in our country. Its implementation in Apollonia Park brought close to the public and visitors, monuments, and facilities of this park especially today in the conditions of the pandemic situation. But the 3D virtual visit to the Archaeological Park can be seen by anyone who is interested and wants to learn and see more from this park.

This application is important for both local and foreign visitors, who can download this application for free on their phone. It is also important for school students, who in this period of the pandemic find it difficult to organize, but who through the application can develop their projects on this park, within the program Education Through Culture, which they have in school.

Agron Xoxa, the representative of the Municipality of Fier, appreciating this initiative said that “such projects related to tourism in general and especially cultural tourism are important and always have the support of the Municipality of Fier.

The Municipality of Fier has intensified investments in the direction of promoting tourism. In recent years, this municipality has supported the reconstruction of the gallery of fine arts, or even investments in the theater of Bylis along with cultural calendars, which have an impact on increasing visitors and tourists in this area.
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