Albania's agreement with Pfizer/BioNtech on the vaccine will remain secret

Albania's agreement with Pfizer/BioNtech on the vaccine will remain secret

 A government decision published in the Official Gazette says that the agreement of the Albanian state with the company "Pfizer / BioNtech" will remain secret.

This confidentiality relationship has been requested by the company, according to the government, which has agreed to this condition.

"The agreement for the production and supply, from and between Pfizer Export BV and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Minister of State for Reconstruction and the Institute of Public Health, due to trade secrecy and the request expressed in the agreement by Pfizer Export BV will not be published on any website of the institutions or in the Official Gazette. All institutions involved in giving opinion, approval or are part of the process have the obligation not to make public the agreement attached to this normative act or part of it," - is written in the Official Gazette.

A state police structure is in charge of securing the transportation of 500,000 doses of vaccine in Albania.

Normative act No. 1. dated 10.1.2021 states that the procedures for payment and receipt of vaccine doses will be the responsibility of the Institute of Public Health. The decision adds that neither the customs fee for anti-COVID vaccines nor those with a specific code that will enter Albania will pay.

Meanwhile, another very important point, kept secret until now by the government, has to do with the transport of the vaccine from the moment of arrival at the customs to the point of vaccination. Under the normative act, the provision of transport of doses by Pfizer will be taken over by the state police.

"The financial effects deriving from the agreement attached to this normative act, are borne by the reserve fund of the state budget, for 2021."
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