Alessio Abibi, an Albanian goalkeeper for the Irish team of Dundalk

Alessio Abibi, an Albanian goalkeeper for the Irish team of Dundalk
Alessio Abibi
 Italian-Albanian goalkeeper Alessio Abibi will become part of the Dundalk team in Ireland and the news is announced by the team manager, Filippo Giovagnoli.

The Irish cup holders are also expected to confirm the departure of Serbian midfielder Stefan Colovic, while previously left Gary Rogers (whose gap is expected to be filled by Abibi), Aaron Mc Carey and Jimmy Corcoran.

Abibi is a 24-year-old Italian-Albanian born in Italy but who has played at the junior level for Albania.

"Alessio is one of the goalkeepers I studied and of all of them he had the best characteristics of how we want to play," said Giovagnoli.

"He is big, really good, strong in a defensive position, brave and good on the ball during the game. Also, young, only 24 years old, and is a player we can develop. There is a great future ahead," he continued.
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