Prosecution investigating mafia activity of Ndragheta in Albania

 The Special Prosecution Against Corruption and Organized Crime in Albania has registered on January 25 this year the criminal proceeding No. 17/2021, for the criminal offenses "Passive corruption of persons exercising public functions", "Structured criminal group..., provided by Articles 259, 333 / a, 287 - 28/4 and 334 of Criminal Code.

Prosecution investigating mafia activity of Ndragheta in Albania
Special Prosecution headquarters in Tirana
The registration of this criminal proceeding was made on the basis of several articles published in various media, in relation to the investigations carried out by the Anti-Mafia Prosecution of Catanzaro, Italy, which cast doubt on the involvement of Albanian and foreign citizens in criminal activities in the Republic of Albania.

In the framework of clarifying the circumstances and facts related to the object of investigation of this criminal proceeding, today on february 2, at the headquarters of the National Directorate of Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism in Rome has been held a coordination meeting.

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Federico Cafiero de Raho, Head of the National Prosecutor's Office Antimafia and Counter-Terrorism, Italy, and Mr. Arben Kraja, Head of the Special Prosecutor's Office, Albania, with the participation of Italian and Albanian prosecutors investigating these two criminal proceedings in the respective states.

The Special Prosecution against Corruption and Organized Crime guarantees the public that it is determined to fully investigate every element and fact that constitutes indications for criminal activity committed in the territory of the Republic of Albania and that is related to the object of an investigation conducted so far by the Catanzaro Anti-Mafia Prosecution.
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