The vote count in Kosovo ends - historic victory for Vetëvendosje

The vote count in Kosovo ends - historic victory for Vetëvendosje
Albin Kurti while voting
 The Central Election Commission (CEC) has completed the number of votes from 2,382 polling stations in Kosovo.

The final results show that the victory of Albin Kurti's party is historic. Vetëvendosje received 378,550 votes or 47.85 percent, while in the October 6 elections received 220,811 votes, which means that has increased the number of votes by 157,739 votes.

In second place is the Democratic Party of Kosovo with 137,722 votes or 17.41 percent. PDK in the 2019 elections was ranked third, with about 178 thousand votes or 21.23 percent, which means that despite got more than LDK in these elections, has decreased by 40,923 votes.

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) has marked its weakest result so far, ranking third with 103,507 votes or 13.08 percent. LDK on October 6, 2019 was second with 206,458 votes or 24.45 percent. This party, from whose leader Isa Mustafa resigned on Monday, has 102,951 votes less.

AAK, Ramush Haradinaj's party running for president, received 58,743 votes or 7.43 percent. AAK in the 2019 elections was in the race in coalition with PSD and together received 96,883 votes or 11.47 percent, while in 2014 when it ran alone, AAK had managed to secure only 9.54 percent or 69 thousand votes, thus even this party has marked a decline.

Fatmir Limaj's Social Democratic Initiative will not be part of the Kosovo Assembly. In the elections of February 14, this party received 20,535 votes or 2.60 percent, while in the elections of October 6, 2019,  has competed as a coalition with AKR-PD, winning 5% percent or 42,083 votes. Nisma in the 2014 elections had secured 37,680 votes or 5.15 percent.

Otherwise, the results of the CEC do not include conditional votes, those by mail and those with disabilities.
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