Dritan Abazovic discusses Balkan Minishengen in North Macedonia

 The creation of a green corridor for the mutual movement of tourists - this was the proposal made during the meeting that the Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic had with his counterpart of  North Macedonia, Fatmir Bytyçi.

Increasing economic co-operation, becoming competitors in the region, was the message conveyed during the discussions, always within the framework of the Balkan Mini-Schengen.

 "We are not looking for a replacement for European integration because everyone's priority should be the integration into the European Union. Only at this moment we think that until we fulfill all the obligations, to see the model of how it is possible to have stronger cooperation and to give concrete results. We talked about regional cooperation. I believe that there are many sectors where we can improve. "You know that the whole Berlin process aims at better cooperation between the Balkan states, and we are for this policy," said Dritan Abazovic, Montenegro's deputy prime minister.

For the Deputy Prime Minister of Northern Macedonia Fatmir Bytyçi, after overcoming the problem with Covid 19, the countries of the region should return to stronger cooperation within the Mini-Schengen, but also to other initiatives.

Dritan Abazovic discusses Balkan Minishengen in North Macedonia

"One of the topics was the Mini Schengen and regional cooperation because I think that our future is in our economic cooperation and improving the lives of citizens. We agreed that in the forthcoming period we will take even clearer steps regarding the creation or operationalization of what we have signed during the Berlin process. We talked about the activities that we have to undertake in the post-period, of the work that awaits us for the regional competitiveness that is the basis of development", said Bytiçi.

During the visit, Deputy Prime Minister Abazovic invited the citizens of North Macedonia to go to Montenegro to spend the holidays, guaranteeing proper health protocols and safe conditions.
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