The prosecutor's Arjan Muça car blown up with explosives in Tirana

At the place where the car of Muça has been blown
 A vehicle, which was parked near a shopping center, exploded on Thursday evening in the area called "Paris Commune" in Tirana.

Sources from the scene claim that the explosive was placed in the front of the vehicle type "Benz", which is owned by the prosecutor, Arjan Muça, who was currently appointed as an inspector in the High Council of the Prosecution.

Two firefighters went to the parking lot where the explosion took place, while experts have made the necessary verifications to clarify the circumstances.

The State Police has officially reported on the event, explaining that there are no injured people from the explosion, but only material damage.

Prosecutor Muça also has his wife, a judge at the Administrative Court of Tirana - Gentiana Muça, and it is still unclear whether the event may be related to his wife's activity.

Several checkpoints have been set up in the capital in order to catch the perpetrator or perpetrators.
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