Thousands of stateless Albanians in North Macedonia, draft law rejected by Macedonian parties

Thousands of stateless Albanians in North Macedonia, draft law rejected by Macedonian parties

 The draft law proposed by the Albanian parties for the citizenship of those who were born in North Macedonia, but have not yet received it, has been opposed by the ruling Macedonian party SDSM and the opposition VMRO-DPMNE.

Ziadin Sela, head of the Alliance for Albanians says to Albanian media that if the law is not approved in Parliament then he would respond with the same way by blocking the adoption of any law.

According to the analysis of the Alliance for Albanians and the Alternative, it is about thousands of stateless citizens, most of them Albanians.

He adds that without citizenship the citizens can not receive health services, can not perform marriages, or can not even become part of the labor market.

Mr. Sela says that the message of Macedonian politics is that "the citizen feels rejected by the state" and this behavior is done to Albanians who are autochthonous.

"Being stateless is not just about missing a document but it is much bigger than that. The idea of ​​collectively oppressing Albanians is joined by the idea of ​​oppressing individuals individually to their basic rights. The changes we propose do not tend. We will not allow the trampling of Albanians", said Mr. Sela.

The head of the Alliance for Albanians says that in this situation he is also concerned about the indifference of Albania, where he stressed that he can not remain silent.

"What worries me is what is the role of that Albanian party that has been in power for decades. Overnight, for example, the Macedonian minority of Pustec received citizenship, this with the presence of DUI, while the Albanians are autochthonous and were before Macedonia was an independent state, they are stateless. What worries me is the silence of the mother country, which in all this situation should not stand aside in this process. It is not a problem today but it is a 30 years old problem", concluded Mr. Sela.
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