28 thousand students less in Albania in all cycles

28 thousand students less in Albania in all cycles

 The number of pupils and students enrolled in education, including preschool, decreased by 4.6% during the 2020-21 season, or 28,000 young people less than the 2019-2020 school year. This trend has been going on for several years in Albania, while the data of the Institute of Statistics reveal that in all cycles statistics refer to number reduction.

Meanwhile, the teacher-student ratio in public schools, in the 9-year cycle was fixed at 1 teacher for 8.9 students and in the gymnasium 1 teacher for 12.7 students. In private schools, this ratio is lower, but the data show at least for 9-year education that 91.4% of children were enrolled in public schools.

Further, in the secondary cycle, there is a decreasing tendency to attend public gymnasiums, 86.5 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of teachers related to gender, women dominate with 78.5 percent compared to male teachers. In terms of high schools, this season there are 6000 students less than last year, but what is noticed is the growing tendency to choose health branches.

The decrease in the total number of students attending higher education is more pronounced in the fields "Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Statistics" by 17.4% and "Agriculture and Veterinary" by 16.8%. A not very significant decrease is observed in the study areas "Services" and "Engineering, Production, and Construction".
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