Fjolla Morina declared internationally wanted? She's sentenced to 6 years in prison

 The Prosecution at the Court of First Instance in Kukës has made a request for the international search for the singer from Kosovo Fjolla Morina, sentenced on March 25 by the Court of First Instance in Kukës to 6 years in prison for "weapons trafficking and ammunition."

Morina, who left the apartment in Kukës earlier this year where she was under house arrest, has been wanted only in Albania. The request together with the relevant material was launched on Tuesday in the direction of the General Prosecutor's Office and was signed by the prosecutor Edmond Karriqi. The General Prosecutor's Office is the one that decides whether the request will be approved.

Fjolla Morina declared internationally wanted? She's sentenced to 6 years in prison

It is unclear whether Morina will be declared internationally wanted without her trial ending on appeal. Morina was sentenced to 9 years in prison on March 25 by Kukës Court, which after reducing 1/3 of the trial, resulted in 6 years. The prosecution had only asked for 7 years for Morina, but the court proved tougher. The court changed earlier the classification of the criminal offense from illegal possession of weapons to arms trafficking, which aggravated the singer's position.

Asked by BIRN about the search warrant, the singer's lawyer Aurora Guska told BIRN that the prosecution's request could not be challenged and that it was the right of that institution to react in this way. She said the request had to be secret. But Guska claims that her client is innocent of the charge for which she was convicted and asks the Court of Appeals to commute her sentence.
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