Nice massacre Albanian collaborator arrested 5 years after

Nice massacre Albanian collaborator arrested 5 years after

 Italian police have arrested a 28-year-old man of Albanian origin as a collaborator in the Nice massacre of July 14, 2016. It is about Endri Elezi, who was arrested in Sparanise, in the province of Caserta in Italy.

According to Italian media, the 28-year-old Albanian was wanted following an arrest warrant issued by French authorities, as he was responsible for supplying weapons to the perpetrator of the massacre, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel.

The young man was identified by the agents of the Naples Digo and Caserta, coordinated by the Naples prosecutor's office, thanks to information gathered by the Anti-Terrorism.

In the July 14, 2016 massacre in Nice, over 80 people lost their lives while hundreds more were injured as a truck fired on the crowd gathered to celebrate the national day of July 14.
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