17 foreign personalities admitted today at the Academy of Sciences of Albania, among them the soprano Ermonela Jaho

17 foreign personalities admitted today at the Academy of Sciences of Albania, among them the soprano Ermonela Jaho

 17 external personalities have been admitted today to the Academy of Sciences, who will contribute to the quality of experts in their fields.

Among them is the world-famous Albanian soprano, Ermonela Jaho, whom the head of government said is an excellent expert in her field.

These are the 17 new personalities admitted to the Academy of Sciences of Albania:

Ermonela Jaho, Elton Prifti, Sokrat Sinaj, Fioralba Cakoni, Bardhyl Demiraj, Bajram Berisha, Sokrat Sinaj, Ardian Ndreca, Ardian Vehbiu, Kujtim Shala, Eno Koço, Fetah Podvorica, Ali Aliu, Luan Starova, Matteo Mandalà, Rexcesp Altimari.
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