Initiative to unite Presevo Valley associations in Switzerland

Initiative to unite Presevo Valley  associations in Switzerland
Representatives of Presevo Valley associations in Switzerland
 About twenty organizations have taken the initiative to create the Union of Presevo Valley Associations in Switzerland.

They have signed a memorandum of understanding between them committing to establish the Union of Presevo Valley Associations in Switzerland.

Given that Switzerland is a country that has a large number of migrants from the Presevo Valley, this initiative aims to increase the level of cooperation and coordination of the activities of the associations of the Presevo Valley in Switzerland, in order to have a unanimous representation and coordination of work and efforts to preserve the Albanian language, culture, and tradition.

The Ambassador of Albania, Ilir Gjoni, was also present at the meeting held for this purpose, who praised and welcomed the announcement of this initiative and underlined the unreserved support of the Embassy of the Republic of Albania. The participants were greeted by the third secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in Bern, Mr. Genis Haxhimehmeti.
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