Kosovo cryptocurrency "KosovaCoin" is created

Kosovo cryptocurrency "KosovaCoin" is created

 A "Kosovar" currency was added to the world cryptocurrency market some time ago. Its name, "KosovaCoin", makes it easily identifiable as a "Kosovo" currency.

The creator and CEO of "KosovaCoin", Artit Muhaxhiri, in an interview for Klankosova.TV, spoke about the process of creating this virtual currency and its investors.

"The creation of KosovaCoin started during the time I was following other cryptocurrencies when I saw that there were Albanians interested in them. Then the idea came to me to create an Albanian cryptocurrency, where the first investors would be Albanians. In this way, they would win the most, and also the name of Kosovo would be known throughout the world and in the world of cryptocurrencies", said Muhaxhiri.

"The creation took two months until the finalization of the whole project, while the creation process has been quite complicated, as the creation of codes takes a lot of time," he explained.

Muhaxhiri has announced that over 50 people have invested in "KosovaCoin" so far, while the value of the "treasury" of this currency has reached 12 thousand 203 dollars.

"So far, about 55 people have invested. "The value of a 'KosovaCoin' is $ 0.0000000000127136, while the market value is 12 thousand 203 dollars", said Muhaxhiri.

He has shown that in just four days when there were 30 investors, the price of "KosovaCoin" has risen 400 percent, which makes investors optimistic.

"Our expectations are very high because in just four days we managed to raise the price by 400 percent with 30 holders and now we expect the price to exceed at least five zeros," he said.

Muhaxhiri stated that part of "KosovaCoin" are also four people who contribute to its maintenance and establishment as high as possible in the market.

"So far we are four people who deal with this the most. But this cryptocurrency will belong to the community - which means that there will be many holders of it and it will grow by the community itself", said Muhaxhiri.

Kosovo cryptocurrency "KosovaCoin" is created
 Artit Muhaxhiri
The creator of "KosovaCoin" said that they are happy to have found the support of Albanians around the world and that they want the growth of this cryptocurrency to be done first with Albanians and then with other people.
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