Protest against sexual abuse of minors in Tirana, a citizen protests nude

Protest against sexual abuse of minors in Tirana, a citizen protests nude
Protesters in Scandebeg Square protesting against sexual abuse of minors
 A protest against the sexual abuse of children was held in Tirana today. The organizers of the protest have been triggered by the case of abuse of a 15-year-old girl in Mirdita by five men.

Protesters gathered in Skënderbej Square and have unfolded numerous slogans, such as: "Failed state, raped children", "Exploited bodies, executed bodies, raped bodies. Are we in Auschwitz?” "Do not kill my childhood, educate my son"; "We are with you"; "You are not alone", etc.

Protest against sexual abuse of minors in Tirana, a citizen protests nude
A woman protesting nude against sexual abuse in The Skanderbeg Square in Tirana
The protest was also attended by a woman, who appeared in the square completely nude, with a banner held up.

The President of Albania, Ilir Meta, has shown solidarity with the protesters and has strongly condemned the cases of sexual abuse.

"I strongly condemn the recent cases of sexual abuse of girls in Albania and stand in solidarity with the support of civil protests against this crime, which deserves severe legal punishment," he wrote.

We note that cases of sexual abuse of minors have increased in recent years in Albania.
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