Protests escalate in Kosovo relating to the sexual harassment of a minor in Pristina

Protests escalate in Kosovo relating to the sexual harassment of a minor in Pristina
School students protesting in Pristina
 Sexual harassment of a minor at school has provoked a massive backlash in Kosovo. Hundreds of high school students and teachers marched in the capital's squares, demanding safety, sex education, and school psychologists.

"Do not be silent, tell me", "Do not ruin my childhood", were the main shouts of the protest organized after the reporting of sexual harassment of a first-grade girl by three other students.

"It is time to raise my voice that all together with a word to show that it is not a game, it is a trauma", says Lendina Balaj, student of the school "Xhevdet Doda".

"The first request is for the introduction of sex education in the curriculum of our schools. We all know how much this subject is needed, and how much it is ignored by the system and our institutions in Kosovo. Our second request is for psychologists in schools", says Ene Aliu from Sami Frashëri gymnasium.

Former Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga has joined the first line of protesters, calling for children to be taught love and respect.

"To raise boys and girls in the same and equal way within the walls of the house, not to allow boys to despise their sisters or anyone else, but to teach them love and respect," the former president said.

The protest in Prishtina was organized by high school students "Xhevdet Doda", "Sami Frasheri", "Eqrem Çabej" and "Ahmet Gashi" after sexual harassment of a minor girl, only 6 years old, by three boys of 7th grade.
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