The Albanian Democratic Party demands repeat of the elections in 9 of the 12 constituencies

The Albanian Democratic Party demands repeat of the elections in 9 of the 12 constituencies

 The opposition Democratic Party asked today the CEC that the result of the April 25 general elections in Albania be declared invalid in 9 constituencies of the country and that voting be repeated in these areas.

The largest opposition party demanded a re-vote in Shkodra, Durres, Tirana, Elbasan, Fier, Berat, Gjirokastra, Korca and Vlora, because, according to it, the election process on April 25 was not fair and the will of the voters has been distorted.

Along with the demands, the opposition Democratic Party submitted today to the Central Election Commission a series of files with complaints about the April 25 general elections.

Representatives of the largest opposition party claimed that facts prove of what the opposition calls "an electoral massacre" designed and implemented by Prime Minister Rama, the Socialist Party (SO) and its ruling administration, a regime that controls the entire system. 

"We deposited hundreds of evidence and facts that prove the alienation of the will of Albanian citizens, up to the use of data by the system of patronage of the party-state. The evidence ranges from the commitment of the state and the administration in the service of the S.P. to tenders, employment, legalization and illegal payments to buy votes. "From the candidacy of the representatives of organized crime to the use of gangs to buy votes and threaten the citizens under the protection and inaction of the police and the prosecution" - is said by the lawyers of the Democratic Party.

They described the amendments to the Electoral Code as unconstitutional and stressed that the changes by political order of the ballot paper led to the invalidation of 83 thousand votes equal to about 8 seats.

The Democratic Party said that the government disabled the votes of Albanian emigrants in general and up to a 3-day quarantine to prevent immigrants at the border from coming home to vote physically.

Today, the SMI also complained about the Berat election process and demanded a repeat of the elections in that district. Earlier, the SMI demanded the non-recognition of the elections in the Gjirokastra area.

The Socialist Party has dismissed the allegations as an attempt by the opposition to justify the defeat.

Representatives of the Socialist Party claimed that their party won a third term thanks to reforms in the judicial system, and crisis management brought about by the 2019 earthquake and the 2020 pandemic and beyond.

The day after the April 25 election, international election observers stated in the preliminary report that the ruling party used government resources in the campaign and took advantage of it.

Observers said they received many allegations of vote-buying. They condemned the tensions and the killing of one person and the wounding of several others a few days before the vote.

Observers claimed that vote-buying continues to be a major concern in Albania, that ministers continued the campaign with state resources, strongly condemned the killing of a person and the injuries in Elbasan.

The publication of the capital's personal data during the campaign is a violation that should be investigated, they claimed.

Administration officials, according to them, had pressures and incentives to stay on the side of the government, but despite the problems, the electoral process turned out to be generally successful.
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