Valdeta Mehanja, the Albanian woman of the American Army visits Albania for the first time

 If there is anyone who knows anything about hard work and determination, it is Lieutenant Valdeta Mehanja, a pilot with the Aviation Regiment 1-131.

Mehanja is an Albanian born in Kosovo and an American citizen; she never thought she would see Albania.

"I have never visited Albania before. It is an incredible feeling to be here, as a pilot, in uniform and in the US Army," said Mehanja. "I would never have had this opportunity to fly through Albania if it were not for the US army. It made me so happy," she told to Euronews Albania.

Mehanja says that this mission for her is like "completing a circle". She grew up poor and her family became war refugees, leaving behind the few they had to survive a violent conflict. Years later, as a contractor for the Department of Defense, her convoy traveling to Baghdad was ambushed by improvised explosive devices and firearms.

"I thought that this was the end," she said in an interview in January. However, she was rescued by American pilots and knew what it was that she wanted to do. "This made me want to get into aviation. I knew I had a bigger mission. I can not just be a regular person...," she said.

Since then, Mehanja has achieved that goal and has become a UH-60 Blackhawk pilot for the U.S. Army. She felt that circle would soon be filled when she heard that 1-131 was going to Albania to participate in DEFENDER-Europe 21.

"I was so excited. I could not believe that the Guard unit, in which I joined, was going to Albania," she said. "I did not realize how beautiful this place is until I flew through the mountains. "I do not think I could have visited Albania in a better way", she says.

Mehanja feels quite committed to Defender 21, which is her first mission flying out of the US.

"Defender 21 is a sign of alliance," she said. "Even during a pandemic we are able to show how we can move quickly to another country and work with other military and build partnerships," she continued.

Since arriving in Albania, the work has been difficult for Mehanja. Not only has she flown on missions but she has also served as a performer and cultural advisor to Americans and Albanians working together. She says she has been happy to take on additional tasks.

"If we work together, we will be stronger together," she explained. "I think that maintaining the partnership and the ongoing missions and training together will open a whole different window to experience other cultures," she said.

Outside of these tasks, Mehanja has become somewhat famous in the country. She has met with hundreds of locals, has been interviewed by numerous news sources, has met with the US Ambassador. Yuri Kim and shook hands with the President of Albania IIir Meta.
"It meant so much that they were acknowledging how difficult my journey was and that they are proud to be here and working with them," she said. "It was a very special moment for me and I will never forget it. "I will appreciate it for the rest of my life."

Mehanja said that her family is very proud of her and they are happy that she came to Albania

"It is a big deal," she said. "I do not think my mother, who was not allowed to go to school, would ever have thought that her daughter would shake hands with an Albanian president. "My family is just so proud that I could come here as an American military pilot and work with Albanians and that I can help."

Despite all this, she remains humble and hopes that her story will inspire others and help build friendships between nations.

"Anything is possible if you work hard for it. "Just when you think you can not achieve something because the journey is very difficult, it does not mean that it is impossible and that it will never happen," she explained. I was able to do that. "Anyone can do it too, I hope everyone will be inspired to succeed in their goals", continues Valdete.

Mehanja does not believe it would be so successful without the 1-131 Aviation Regiment and the Alabama National Guard.

“I have the best unit; I have the best commander; I was so lucky. They have allowed me to have this experience, to be a part of it. It was God's job and everyone here to make it possible, and I want to thank them.".
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