Kosovo Liberation Day, today 22 years since the intervention of NATO troops

Kosovo Liberation Day, today 22 years since the intervention of NATO troops

 The heads of Kosovo institutions paid homage in Pristina to the Memorial Plaque of fallen NATO soldiers, on the 22nd anniversary of the entry of NATO troops in Kosovo.

The NATO intervention, on June 12, 1999, followed the North Atlantic Alliance air campaign against the Serbian army.

This day is also marked as the Day of Freedom or Liberation of Kosovo. The President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani said that the entry of NATO forces together with the Kosovo Liberation Army brought freedom, liberation, and peace.

While the Prime Minister, Albin Kurti said that in June 1999 NATO infantry joined the air intervention against Milosevic Yugoslavia to stop the genocide against the Albanian people.

The Deputy Commander of KFOR underlined that KFOR will stay in Kosovo as long as it will be necessary to ensure peace for all ethnic groups in Kosovo.
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