Skanderbeg bust to be placed in the middle of Budapest Park! On July 5 the inauguration ceremony

Skanderbeg bust to be placed in the middle of Budapest Park! On July 5 the inauguration ceremony
Edi Rama before the pedestal where the Skanderbeg bust will be placed while asking to be placed a red and black carpet of marble symbolizing the Albanian flag.
 Our National Hero and one of Hungary's closest allies in the fight against the Ottoman Empire, Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg will have a bust in the middle of the central park of Budapest, Hungary. The bust was created by Agim Rada with the contribution of the Municipality of Tirana and is a gift for the municipality of Budapest.

Our National Hero and one of Hungary's closest allies in the fight against the Ottoman Empire, Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg will have a bust in the middle of the central park of Budapest, Hungary. Tirana Mayor Erion Veliaj, who accompanies Prime Minister Edi Rama during his visit to Hungary, said the pedestal has already been erected in the middle of the green park and that the bust will be placed at an inauguration ceremony on July 5th in Budapest. The bust was created by Agim Rada with the contribution of the Municipality of Tirana and is a gift for the municipality of Budapest.

"We will place the bust, there are two initiatives where Queen Geraldine will have a monument to the Zogu i Parë at the Ministry of Justice. A pedestal has been set for Skanderbeg's bust and the inauguration will take place on July 5 in Budapest", said Veliaj.

While Rama said that the chosen place is very spicy and strategic, while he also gave his artistic ideas asking the authorizing persons to get permission in the municipality of Budapest that the alley leading to the bust of Skanderbeg be created a red and black marble carpet to create the right atmosphere.

‘The place is very spicy, I was thinking of getting permission to make a red and black carpet leading to the bust of Skanderbeg. It is a very strategic place, very beautiful", said Rama.

Albanian-Hungarian relations have been established since the time of Skanderbeg, who became the most loyal ally of John Hunyadi, the leader of the Hungarian army to fight the Ottoman Empire. These relations have been strengthening to the present day, where cooperation is already in the economic, cultural, and health fields.
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