Five applications for wind farms each with a capacity of 10 MW have been submitted to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (MIE) pending approval. On its website, the Ministry informed that the applications have been submitted by various companies and do not benefit from government support measures if there will be a finalization of projects. The plants, according to the applications will be located in the Karaburun area, which has been rumored for years as an area of interest for the construction of wind power stations. But what are the applications that have been submitted to MEI?
The first is the one from the company "BRD Energy", the second from "GMT Energy", the third "GRS Energy", the fourth from "MGN Energy" and the last from “ORT Investment”
MEI clarifies that all these plants if concretized will not benefit from government support measures which means that the latter does not guarantee the purchase of energy at a price set by the Energy Regulatory Authority. This scheme currently applies to wind farms up to 3MW for which the Office has set a price of 75.64 euros MWh. These plants are not typical concessions and are approved only with the signature of the responsible minister in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy.
Despite the space that existed for the development of wind energy projects, there has never been a concretization and in many cases, have remained on paper. The Ministry stated a few months ago that it would already hold auctions for wind energy the same as that in photovoltaic energy and aimed at the application of support measures thus promoting the development of projects. As with the Hospital and Karavastana in photovoltaic energy, the authorities are expected to hold auctions where interested companies will be able to purchase energy for a certain period by OSHEE.