Albanian Assembly withdraws from the decision banning journalists from parliamentary committee meetings

Albanian Assembly withdraws from the decision banning journalists from parliamentary committee meetings
Journalists protesting in front of the Albanian Parliament
 The Albanian Parliament has decided to withdraw from the decision not to allow journalists to follow the activities of parliamentary committees.

In a document signed by the Speaker of Parliament Gramoz Ruçi, addressed to the Bureau of the Assembly, it is stated that 5 requests of journalists' associations for the way the relations with the media should function have been accepted.

In this way, the Assembly will allow the physical presence of journalists and cameramen in parliamentary committees.

Meeting of the Commission for the dismissal of the President of Albania Ilir Meta

Also, the Assembly withdrew from the point that suggested escorting journalists inside the premises of the institution with guard personnel.

The Assembly has accepted the point to allow the use of mobile phones by journalists, while for interviews will be used only the special room for the media.

A few weeks ago, the Assembly imposed new rules on the media by removing the right to direct footage to the media but shooting only from a separate office. The decision provoked strong reactions from journalists and media associations.
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