Invited to Euronews Albania, the analyst Enver Bytyçi and the political scientist Demush Shasha agreed on the fact that Kosovo did the right thing by refusing to participate in the Skopje Summit, where the new name of the regional initiative was introduced, from Munich to the 'Open Balkans'.
For Mr. Bytyçi, the name change from Mini Schengen Zone to Open Balkan is a mask that seeks to give another dimension to the Mini Schengen Zone, but does not change anything from previous projections.
According to him, the Mini Schengen initiative contradicts the Berlin process, EU strategy and principles and paves the way for the presence of other powers such as China and Russia.
For the analyst, this initiative serves Serbia, is a means to isolate Kosovo and the stance of Prime Minister Rama in favor of Belgrade and against Kosovo is unprecedented.
Meanwhile, political scientist Demush Shasha stressed that the Skopje Forum was another example of a major division in foreign policy between Albania and Kosovo.
"Since the launch of Mini Schengen, we are seeing a lack of consensus between Kosovo and Albania.
Rama said he is absolutely against Kosovo and praised Vucic for his generosity.