$ 120 million damage to the Albanian state budget in 10 years from public procurement

$ 120 million damage to the Albanian state budget in 10 years from public procurement

 Corruption in Albania in the field of public procurement has brought over $ 120 million in damage to the state budget over the last decade, according to the Supreme State Audit and the Ministry of Finance, which analyzes data from 129 audit units. Representatives of the investor community bring to VOA examples of some tendering procedures, which they say cast doubt on the predetermination of winners. Experts say that the biggest problem lies in the contracts that are approved by special laws. State authorities say improvements have been made in the area of ​​procurement, but they are aware that this has not changed the public perception that the problems are deep.

In Albania, corruption in the field of public procurement is widespread, resulting in damage to competition and the effectiveness of the use of public funds. According to the Ministry of Finance, the economic damage in the field of procurement since 2012 is estimated at over 120 million dollars, with average annual damage of approximately 13 million dollars.

This has led to the 'eviction' of foreign investors, as underlined in the report of the State Department a few days ago on the investment climate.
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