'About 80% of COVID-19 infected patients are Albanians in the hospital in Switzerland were I work'

 The Albanian chief doctor at the cantonal hospital of Winterthur, Switzerland, Naim Mehmeti has expressed his concern with the low vaccination rate of Albanians.

Mehmeti in a direct link to "RTV Dukagjini" said that a very small number of Albanians has been vaccinated in Switzerland, as Diaspora Shqiptare reports.

"Propaganda has influenced Albanians to be reluctant to be vaccinated. The Swiss state has taken all measures to vaccinate Albanians as well," he said.

The Albanian doctor in Switzerland says that the situation in Switzerland has worsened in recent days.

"We have a large number of members of the Albanian community here in Switzerland who have been hospitalized. In the hospital where I work, 80% of the hospitalized are Albanians from Kosovo and Macedonia and 90% of them are unvaccinated".

Mehmeti says this is an alarming situation for Albanians in Switzerland.
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