Climber Uta Ibrahimi wins gold in Kyrgyzstan

Climber Uta Ibrahimi wins gold in Kyrgyzstan
Uta Ibrahimi biting the gold medal she won in Kyrgyzstan
 Uta Ibrahimi has scored the next success. The Kosovar mountaineer has won the gold medal in the Central Asian continent in Kyrgyzstan.

The medal is attributed to the clinbing to Mount Lenin otherwise known as Ibn Sina (Avicenna). This peak rises to 7,134 meters in Gorno-Badakhshan on the border of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan and is the second-highest point of both countries.

"Imagine in every climb I get a medal, my neck may have been broken," wrote Ibrahimi.

Lenin Peak is the highest in the Trans-Alay range of Central Asia, and in the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan and just Ismoil Somoni Peak is higher, of about 7,495 m above sea level.

Climber Uta Ibrahimi wins gold in Kyrgyzstan
 Uta Ibrahimi after climbing the Mount Lenin 
Uta is best known for climbing Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, becoming the first Kosovar woman to do so in 2017.

Uta has also climbed Gashurburum 1 Peak (8,058 meters above sea level), the 11th highest peak in the world, part of the Karakorum Range in Pakistan, Manaslu Peak (8th highest) and Lhotse ( 4th highest), Cho Oyu Peak (6th highest peak) 8,201 meters above sea level, Tibet-China, etc..
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