First Afghans took refuge in a safe area in Albania

First Afghans took refuge in a safe area in Albania
First Afghans arriving in Albanian land at Rinas International Airport
 The first group of Afghan citizens, who arrived in Albania by plane this morning, were immediately accommodated in three of the safest and best hotels in the coastal tourist area between Durres and Kavaja.

The group from Kabul consists of about 120 people, civil society activists, and children among them.

Albanian government approved on Wednesday a decision according to which Afghan citizens will be offered "temporary protection" status. According to this decision, they can stay in Albania for up to 1 year, although the deadlines and numbers of those expected to arrive in Albania vary constantly according to the circumstances on the ground.

Albania was among the first countries to commit to sheltering Afghan citizens fleeing their country. Responding positively to a request from the US government to host people whose lives are threatened by the Taliban, the Albanian government said initially it was ready to house several hundred, and later Albanian Prime raised the number to at least 4,000 Afghans.
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