The lack of information about Afghans in Albania is worrying, expert says

The lack of information about Afghans in Albania is worrying, expert says
 Screenshot of Ermal Jauri while on an interview to Euronews Albania
 Albanian security expert Ermal Jauri said to Euronews Albania that Albania's doors should be open to any humanitarian crisis, but the process should be studied for the consequences that will have within the country.

We remind you that some thousand Afghan political migrants will be sheltered in Tirana.

"There is no good management of people who board planes and are transported to third countries," said the president of the association "George C. Marshall Albania", describing the situation at Kabul airport as chaotic.

Jauri pointed out that over 5,000 extremists serving sentences in Kabul prison are now among other residents.

The Taliban infiltration into Afghan security systems is the reason why Taliban forces managed to take power in a few days, according to the expert. He recalled Captain Feti Vogli, a martyr on a mission in Afghanistan, shot by an Afghan police member who was a Taliban infiltrator.

According to this history, Jauri said that in the disorganized crowds of Afghans traveling around the world there is no certainty that there are no Taliban among them.

The expert supported the decision of the Kosovo government to keep Afghan refugees in closed centers, saying that sheltering them for a short time away from populated areas would be a very element of security.

Jauri called for their registration, identification, and verification of the Afghan people.
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