The Swiss newspaper writes in Albanian: Please vaccinate!

The Swiss newspaper writes in Albanian: Please vaccinate!

 The well-known Swiss newspaper "Blick" wrote a few Albanian words on her first page in the printed newspaper.

The reason is the call for vaccination of the Albanian community living in Switzerland, which is reporting that has contributed to the increase in the number of infections with Cid-19. "Please vaccinate!" addressed the newspaper.

The number of hospital patients in Switzerland has increased rapidly, according to Patrick Mathys, Crisis Manager at the Federal Public Health Office. At a press conference he has said that the number of Koronavirus patients in the hospital was 30 times more since July. According to statistics, on Wednesday over 26 percent of all intensive care beds were occupied by COVID-19 patients, who are significantly younger in age compared to the first wave.

Hospitals are especially concerned about travelers returning from vacation. Last week, Canton Hospital spokesman St. Gallen told to Blick that most patients are not vaccinated and came from vacation.

According to statistics, more than a third of the hospitalized had their hollydays stayed in a southeastern European country at the time they received the infection, mainly in northern Kosovo or North Macedonia.

Lars Haefner, chairman of the Switzerland-Albania Association, is not very surprised.

"The number of infections is much greater in Kosovo, for example. Unfortunately, the rules of hygiene and distance are not strictly respected there," he told.

Swiss newspaper quoting WHO data says that in Balkan countries the percentage of vaccinated is much lower and lacking readiness by citizens.

According to Haefner, Albanians while on holidays did not read Switzerland's media and it was difficult to know about the vaccination process in Switzerland. He also said that the Albanian press calls for vaccination.
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