Turin declares days of mourning after the tragic death of the 4-year-old Albanian Aron Tila

Turin declares days of mourning after the tragic death of the 4-year-old Albanian Aron Tila

 The Municipality of Turin has declared August 31, 2021 days of mourning in the city because of the tragic loss of four-year-old Albanian Aron Tila.

It was 8:50 a.m. on August 24 when a small building collapsed on Bramafame Street on the outskirts of Turin. Aron Tila remained dead under the rubble, while his mother, 34, was pulled alive after an hour of excavations by firefighters.

The two-story building collapsed after there was a gas leak in one of the 6 apartments which were inhabited by Albanians and Romanians. As a result of the incident, 4-year-old Aron Tila lost his life and his mother and 2 other people were injured.
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