The book of the Albanian researcher Lea Ypi is promoted in Holland

The book of the Albanian researcher Lea Ypi is promoted in Holland
Cover of Lea Ypi's book 'Free'
 The book of the Albanian scholar Lea Ypi will be promoted on November 2 at the Art Gallery at the premises of the Albanian Embassy in the Netherlands.

The book of the Albanian researcher Lea Ypi is promoted in Holland
Cover of Lea Ypi's book Free in the Albanian language
This will be the cover of Lea Ypi's long-awaited book "Free" in Albanian. A book mirror of our lives, as a film that returns to make us reflect especially for today.

The promotion will take place in the time frame 17:30 - 19:30 on November 2, 2021.

Lea Ypi left Albania in the late 1990s to leave behind the traces of communism, realizing her dream of a successful career. Lea Ypi became Professor of Political Theory at the London School of Economics.
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