Albanian Plarenta Deshishku who works on Facebook

Albanian Plarenta Deshishku who works on Facebook
Plarenta Deshishku on her office
 Plarenta Deshishku is part of the company "Meta". She works in the Global Operations department at Facebook.

Deshishku is a professional of Albanian origin and lives and develops her career in Dublin, Ireland.

She holds a degree in Business Administration and General Management from ESCP Business School and a postgraduate degree from Trinity College Dublin.

Albanian Plarenta Deshishku who works on Facebook

Deshishku, although at a young age, already has a career filled with various pieces of training, specializations, and work experiences.

Albanian Plarenta Deshishku who works on Facebook

From July 2021, she became part of the "Global Operations" department on the social network Facebook, as a Market Specialist.
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