Mother Teresa, becomes one of the 7 honorary citizens in America, November 16, 1996

Mother Teresa, becomes one of the 7 honorary citizens in America, November 16, 1996
Ronald Reagan presenting the award to Mother Teresa
 The United States Honorary Citizen Award is the highest award for non-Americans.

Only 7 non-American personalities have been awarded the Honorary Citizen Award throughout the history of the United States of America, among these personalities is the Albanian Gonxhe Bojaxhiu-Mother Teresa.

Only seven people have been honored with this award in the history of the United States, five after death, and two people while still alive, Mother Teresa and Sir Winston Churchill.

On November 16, 1996, a year before her death, Agnese Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, known worldwide as Mother Teresa, became the only person along with Churchill to be honored with the U.S. Honorary Citizen Award while still alive.

Although the Albanian nun who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and the President's Medal of Freedom award she had spent some time in the United States, the Charity Missionaries, which she had founded in 1950, opening a kitchen that served soup, in emergency shelters, for nursing homes and other shelters across the country.

She was announced by the US Ambassador to India for the Honorary Citizen Award, to the country to which Mother Teresa arrived in 1929, calling the 86-year-old nun "a daughter of America".
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