13,609 number of foreigners with residence permits in Albania, led by Italians and Turks

13,609 number of foreigners with residence permits in Albania, led by Italians and Turks
Foreigners in Albania
 At the end of 2020, the number of foreigners with residence permits in Albania was 13,609 inhabitants, an increase of 0.8%, compared to 2019.

The number of resident foreigners in 2020 is dominated by males with 64.0% and females with 36.0%. The number of applications for residence permits in Albania in 2020 was 7,661 applications, marking a decrease of 7.0%, compared to 2019.

Resident foreigners originating from Iran with 2,610, Italy with 2,067 and Turkey with 1,597, constitute the largest number of foreigners with residence permits in Albania in 2020.

Foreigners originating from Europe, in 2020 result in 7,724 inhabitants and constitute 56.8% of foreigners in total compared to 66.4% that constituted in 2019.

The reason for employment is the main reason for the residence permits of foreigners in Albania in 2020, with 47.5%. In 2020, 18,835 irregular foreigners were identified in the territory of the country, where 55.9% of them are foreigners originating from Iraq and Syria.

In 2020 the number of resident foreigners consists of 8,676 males and 4,933 females. Men occupy 63.8% of the number of foreigners with residence permits in Albania.

The number of applications for residence permits in Albania in 2020 is 7,661 applications, marking a decrease of 7.0%, compared to 2019. Applications by country of origin from Iran and Italy account for 44.9% of the total applications, in 2020.

Foreigners in Albania by continents, led by Europe

Foreigners with residence permits in Albania, according to the country of origin, in 2020 are headed by European countries, accounting for 56.8% of total resident foreigners.

Foreigners originating from Europe are 7,724, marking a decrease of 13.9%, compared to 2019. Foreigners originating from Asia are 4,048, marking an increase of 61.3%, compared to 2019.

Foreigners originating from America, Africa and Oceania are 1,837, with a decrease of 9.4%, compared to 2019.

Main reason: employment

In 2020, resident foreigners for employment reasons occupy 47.5% of the total number of foreigners, followed by reasons for family reunification with 24.5%, reasons for humanitarian purposes with 19.7%, reasons for studies 2.0%, and other reasons by 6.3%.

In foreigners resident in Albania originating from Italy, in addition to the reason for employment (68.9%) there is a predominance of the reason for family reunification (18.3%).

Foreigners originating from Turkey are dominated by reasons for employment (65.2%) and reasons for family reunification (32.3%).

Persons originating from Kosovo are led by reasons for family reunification (41.7%). Foreigners originating from the US and China are mainly dominated by employment reasons (67.5% and 81.9%, respectively). Foreigners of Iranian origin are mainly dominated by humanitarian reasons to obtain a residence permit in Albania (98.8%).

Irregular foreign arrivals increase, led by Syria and Afghanistan

Irregular foreigners identified in the territory of Albania or at the border, without the necessary documentation, result in 18,835 persons in 2020, compared to 11,890 persons in 2019.

Irregular foreigners caught for the first time by country of origin in 2020, led by countries like Syria with 6,224 people, Afghanistan with 1,893 people, Morocco with 1,182 people, Iraq with 1,061 people, 2,682 people from other countries, and 5,793 repetitive irregular foreigners.
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