29% of employees in the ALbanian non-agricultural sector were in informality by 2020

Graph of the structure of employees in Albania for 2020, by economic activity. Source: INSTAT
 Nearly a third of employees in agricultural businesses were informal in 2020 according to Albanian State Institute of Statistics (known as INSTAT) measurements through the Labor Force Survey. The result was published today in a special issue on labor market developments over the past year.

INSTAT referred that in 2020, the percentage of informal employment in the non-agricultural sector is 29.1%, experiencing a decrease of 0.9 percentage points compared to 2019.

Analyzing the labor market from a gender perspective, it is found that women are 1.4 times more likely than men to be unpaid workers in the family business. Estimates obtained from VET show that 27.0% of employed women and 15.5% of employed men are unpaid family workers.

In 2020, the number of employees in Albania was 1,243,345 people. Compared to the previous year, employment decreased by 1.8%. The labor force participation rate for the population aged 15-64 is 69.1%. For men aged 15-64, the labor force participation rate is 15.9 percentage points higher than for women. The employment rate for the population aged 15-64 is 60.6%. The employment rate for women is 53.6% and for men 67.8%. The gender gap in employment for this age group is 14.2 percentage points.

The analysis of employment by occupational groups reflects the structure of employment by sectors. In 2020, employees of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries make up 46.6% of employees. Clerks and sales and service employees make up 19.3% of employees.

According to the survey estimates for 2020, it turns out that 46.1% of employees are salaried employees, 33.3% are self-employed (employer or self-employed without other employees) and 20.6% are free employees in the family business. The services sector and the agricultural sector have the highest percentage of employees with 43.4% and 36.1% of the total employees respectively.

The workforce is 1,407,958 people. Men make up 55.4% of the workforce and women 44.6%.

1,243,345 people are employed, where men make up 55.5% of employees and women 44.5%. There are 164,613 unemployed people, of which 54.5% are men and 45.5% are women.

The official unemployment rate for the 15-74 age group is 11.7%. For men, the unemployment rate is 0.4 percentage points lower than for women. Compared to 2019, employment has decreased by 1.8%, while the official unemployment rate (for the age group 15-74) has increased by 0.2 percentage points.

60.6% of the population aged 15-64 is employed, 8.4% is unemployed and 30.9% is economically inactive (outside the labor force). 67.8% of men aged 15-64 are employed, 9.3% are unemployed and 22.9% are out of the labor force. 53.6% of women aged 15-64 are employed, 7.6% are unemployed and 38.8% are out of the labor force.
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