Albanians have very little information on 'Open Balkan'

Euronews Albania survey graph in Albanian 
 Almost half of the Albanians in Albania (44%) have not heard of the ‘Open Balkan’ initiative, despite the long public discussion in Albania and Kosovo.

The Euronews Albania poll revealed that citizens do not have much information about this initiative, at least for the participating countries.

Many Albanians mistakenly think that Montenegro (90%) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (55%) are part of the initiative.

Even about 20% think mistakenly that also Kosovo is part of Open Balkans.

Although small in number, there are also citizens who think that Greece (7%), Croatia (18%), Bulgaria (16%) or Romania (10%) are part of the Open Balkans.

The findings are by Euronews Albania, conducted on 20-30 November 2021, by MRB and Data Centrum at the national level, with 1000 face-to-face interviews.
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