Can Albania offer "smart working" to foreigners?

Can Albania offer "smart working" to foreigners?
 Woman working on laptop
 The cheaper real estate market in the suburban areas of major urban cities such as New York, Chicago, Florida or London has spurred mass migration of those working remotely. Another trend in Europe is the creation of areas by offering cheaper rental housing than the European market for smart working employees.

According to Ylli Sula, the leader of the media group Çelësi and the Keydata index, in Albania, such a tendency is not noticed, as the market for buying or renting real estate for those people who work remotely has not been created yet, Monitor reports.

"We have not yet created a market for buying or renting apartments for foreign nationals who find it more convenient to live in Albania during their online work. Albania remains unintegrated for the development of this market, as there are no rules for the administration of common services. In every country in Europe, certain standards are clear, from who is the administrator of the building where they live, how much they will pay, or what services will be provided.

The rules of co-ownership are a problem for common areas in our country, as there is no special employee to maintain the elevator, lighting, hygiene, and so on. The problems of co-ownership can not be solved by placing administrators with a tariff of 1,000 ALL/month per family ”.

The leader of the Keydata index does not predict that in the real estate market there will be demand movements from those who work remotely because according to him, this model is considered transient by enterprises. "For many companies, working from home is seen as a trend that worked for a while. On the other hand, many employees admit that working from home combines their working hours with personal life, not sharing boundaries. The non-establishment of the border between work and personal life increased the anxiety of the employees".
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