Drug traffickers supporting Sali Berisha kick the Democratic Party door?

Drug traffickers supporting Sali Berisha kick the Democratic Party door?
 The moment when Dautaj (left) gets the approval of Dritan Berisha and kicks the door inside the DP headquarters
 A kind of war is taking place between the factions of the Democratic Party (DP) in Albania, which is becoming more and more fierce, on the one hand, we have the supporters of former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, and on the other hand, we have the current legal Democrats led by Lulzim Basha.

Dautaj while kicking the door with his right foot
Berisha's supporters are currently trying to delegitimize Basha and his supporters. And recently there was an incident that for Albanians is not a surprise, but for Europeans, it is incredible.

The door inside the DP headquarters was kicked by a person with a serious criminal record, wanted by British justice.

It seems that at one point Dautaj quietly receives approval and blessing to kick the door from former Interior Minister Flamur Noka.

It is about the man from Tropoja, Fatjon Dautaj, or Fatjon Dauti, accused of being one of the biggest drug traffickers in Great Britain, according to local media and Lulzim Basha.

DP leader Lulzim Basha said that Dautaj was accompanied by Dritan Berisha, a former police officer, with family ties with Sali Berisha. Basha demanded that the prosecution act for the immediate arrest of Dautaj.

Drug traffickers supporting Sali Berisha kick the Democratic Party door?
 Fatjon Dautaj at DP headquarters after opening by violence the door
"From Sali Berisha, today we are dealing again with Sali Berisha, who is emptying on the doors, accompanied by Fatjon Dautaj, the drug trafficker wanted by the British justice.

In the presence of a family member, former police officer Dritan Berisha, a terrible symbiosis. DP asks the Prosecution to act, arrest him and immediately start the procedures for extradition to Great Britain", said Basha.

"He is trying to join the PD with some of his family members, but the legitimate PD will continue to quietly perform its functions. Nothing and no one will hinder or intimidate us for the path we have started...The future of Albanians will not be drug traffickers in the offices of the Democratic Party ..." Basha said.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party has filed a criminal report for entering the Democratic Party and kicking the door where Sali Berisha held a meeting with his re-establishment commission.
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