Salary scandal in Albania: Prosecution seizes the servers

Salary scandal in Albania: Prosecution seizes the servers
 Following the publication of the database with personal data and payments of hundreds of thousands of citizens, the Prosecution has decided to seize the servers of several institutions, from where it is suspected that this information came from.

According to local media have been seized the servers of the National Agency for Society and Information, the Tax Directorate and the Insurance Institute.

The prosecution body has taken this measure in order not to interfere in these servers and make changes.

Yesterday and today have been published two databases containing the data of over 600 thousand citizens starting from personal data, to jobs and payments they receive to private or state entities.

This situation has brought a series of reactions from various institutions and politics. Prime Minister Edi Rama, in a press conference today, said that the flow of this information should be investigated by the competent authorities, while not ruling out the possibility that behind the database, there is "a hand in search of confusion and destabilization in the sense of public insecurity."
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