Scandal in Albania, salaries of 637,183 citizens made public

Scandal in Albania, salaries of 637,183 citizens made public
  Another scandal has occurred in Albania, related to the publication of personal data of hundreds of thousands of citizens.

A document circulating in the media bears the names of over 637 thousand people employed in the private and state sector. This table shows the name and surname of the citizens, the number of the identity card, the place where they work and their salary declared to the Social Insurance.

What aggravates the situation is that the list states a good part of the salaries of state intelligence employees, police officers, or employees of institutions at all levels.

Along with these are executives in private companies, even foreign nationals working in Albania.

The publication of these sensitive data prompted the Tirana Prosecutor's Office to immediately launch an investigation into the Directorate of Taxes and Social Insurance, from where it is suspected that information may have leaked.

Investigations do not rule out the possibility of outside interference in the servers of these two institutions, servers that have been seized. It is now expected that the prosecution body will contact experts in the field to uncover this scandal.

The payroll, a document in "excel" format, has already spread on social networks and other applications, committing a serious violation of the personal data of Albanian citizens.

On Wednesday, the Tirana Prosecutor's Office said that it has started the verifications, after receiving a referral on the flow of data of employees in Albania, together with the relevant database.

"The verification of the referred materials has started," said the head of the Tirana Prosecutor's Office, Elisabeta Imeraj.

This serious scandal with the personal data of the citizens comes after the scandal of the "patronazhistat", when a database with personal data of the Albanian citizens was used by the Socialist Party for electoral purposes.

The database data that appeared in the media in April showed that before the elections the Socialist Party had created an "army" with over 9 thousand "patronazhista" in Tirana, who used the personal data and contacts of the citizens of Tirana.
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