Two national records by Nikol Merizaj in the World Swimming Championship in Abu Dhabi

Two national records by Nikol Merizaj in the World Swimming Championship in Abu Dhabi
Kledi Kadiu (left) and Nikol Mazrekaj in Abu Dhabi World Swimming Championship
 Albanian swimming continues to generate positive performances at the World Championship that is being held in Abu Dhabi. 

Nikol Merizaj managed to set two national records as he was positioned in 36th place out of 89 participants from all over the world, in the 50 meters race.

The 25-year-old Albanian set a time of 25.4 seconds in freestyle, securing 735 points in the end. This is a historic presentation for the Albanian talent, as the athlete's goal was to participate in the B norm and the results in the 50 meters freestyle and dolphin automatically brings her to a higher level.

On the other hand, 19-year-old Kledi Kadiu recorded a positive performance. He was ranked 56th out of 100 competitors in the 100m freestyle, clocking a time of 50, 22 seconds.
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