19 thousand illegal immigrants caught in Albania in 2021

19 thousand illegal immigrants caught in Albania in 2021
 Illegal immigrants crossing the border from Greece to Albania
 About 19 thousand illegal immigrants were caught in Albania in 2021, 46% of whom were repeating offenders in the attempt to enter illegally.

Only 66 of them were able to benefit from asylum treatment, while for most of them the Directorate of Border Police and Migration issued a voluntary removal order, according to Euronews.

Mostly banned migrants result in origins from Middle Eastern countries.

The main entry points in Albania are Kakavija, Kapshtica and Qafë Bota, all three border crossings are located in Greece.

Crossing the border illegally is organized individually or in the form of small criminal groups that have turned this activity into a business from where they benefit monetary amounts ranging from 3 thousand to 10 thousand euros.

This amount is paid for the transport of emigrants from the country of origin to Albania. For transport within Albania, the payment ranges from 300 to 500 euros.

Dozens of operations have been organized to crack down on these groups, and hundreds of people who trafficked illegal immigrants for money have been arrested.

For this illegal activity, the criminal code provides for imprisonment from 3 to 7 years or a fine from 4 to 8 million leks.
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