6 Ways To Spend Your Time When Travelling Long Distances

Man with suitcase waiting for the plane at the airport
 Man with suitcase waiting for the plane at the airport
 The prospect of traveling is always exciting. Sometimes you have to go abroad for work and other times you are lucky enough to earn a vacation. How you choose to spend your time at your destination is entirely up to you; however, you are often faced with a long travel period with very little to do. 

Whether you are on a bus, train, or plane; you will find yourself begging for entertainment. Furthermore, the noise of other passengers can worsen the experience by making you anxious. Luckily for you, this article has got you covered. Here are a few ways to spend your time when traveling over long distances.


Smartphone technology is the gift that keeps on giving. These devices can store a ton of data, and provide you with access to different forms of media. As such, you will find over 850,000 active podcasts online and many of these are already trending on Twitter. So, how do you choose what podcast to listen to?

It isn’t hard to find a podcast channel that suits you. A quick search online will reveal a series of comedy shows, news shows, sportscasts, and even educational materials available in this audio format. What’s more, you can download these podcasts so that you aren’t relying on an internet connection for your entertainment. It is always a good idea to download enough podcast material to cover the length of your journey. You may not listen to it all but you will be glad to have the content when the time comes. 

Also, you can use this entertainment solution to block out the outside world and lull yourself to sleep at the same time. Travel anxiety is a big problem for a lot of people, so plug in your headphones and drown out those worries.

Online Casinos

Another way to entertain yourself on a long journey is by using your smart device to play at an online casino. This pastime does require you to have an internet connection, but most modes of travel come with free Wi-Fi nowadays.

These online casinos allow you to participate in hundreds of classic casino games from the comfort of your tablet, laptop, or smartphone. You can play with real money, or try some of the demo games at a Play Live Casino. There is a wide variety of games at Play Live, and you can always withdraw any money that you win once you have reached your destination if you have security concerns. Of course, there is no guarantee that you will win at an online casino; however, you will be having too much fun to care.

Educate Yourself About Your Surroundings

Having to travel for work shouldn’t always be considered a curse. You may have to spend time away from your family, but a business trip might be your only chance to visit a specific part of the world.
Instead of blocking out the world and wishing your time away, pay attention to your surroundings and you may find that you learn something new. Plane trips can provide you with some of the most breath-taking views on the planet, and you may want to stop off at local landmarks if you are traveling by car. None of these educational activities can provide you with a substitute for spending time with your family, but at least you will have some interesting stories for when you return.

Learn A New Skill

There is nothing worse than having hours ahead of you with nothing to do. You can try to whittle away this time with mundane activities or put your brain to use.

It is very rare that you will experience an uninterrupted stretch of time in your daily routine. Consider this a blessing and try to find a way to better yourself. You can learn a new language, learn to cook, and even work out how the stock market works. Your options are limitless, so try not to waste this time while you have it. 

Try To Rest When Possible

Staying inactive for long periods is not healthy for anyone. Unfortunately, that is one part of travel that is almost guaranteed. Or is it?

If you find that you are in control of your travel plans, try to schedule regular stops that allow you to get out and move. Long flights can be dangerous due to conditions like deep vein thrombosis, so try to find layovers if you are able. You don’t have to do this with every flight, but any journeys that require you to be sat for more than four hours at a time should be broken up with exercise. What’s more, you can use these little pit stops to find fun things to do while on the road.


There is no real cure for travel boredom, but hopefully, this article has given you some advice about how best to spend this time. Try to remember that these journeys won’t last forever and look after yourself where you can.
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