Albanian living in Ecuador confesses the cocaine trafficking

Albanian living in Ecuador confesses the cocaine trafficking
 Albanian living in Ecuador confesses the cocaine trafficking
 The show "Sot" on Euronews Albania conducted an exclusive interview with an Albanian who knows closely the Ecuadorian market of cocaine, as he has been a former drug trafficker.

How long have you been in Ecuador and where have you settled?

About three years, I stayed in the center of Ecuador.

Why did you decide to flee to Ecuador, what does this country offer to Albanians?

Ecuador gives you the easiest opportunity to grow economically.

How Much Money Can You Make in a Short Time in Ecuador?

In a short time you can make 1 million, 2 million euros for six months.

How many Albanians do you know who live in Ecuador and how are they organized?

Over 50 Albanians from Durrës, Tirana, surroundings. They work with their own groups, with the locals. They are always dependent on the natives, the Colombians.

Are they group leaders, or do they work on behalf of other, local groups?

They are co-leaders. It depends on the people who go, who have the financial resources, who invest the money there.

How are these Albanians doing in Ecuador? How did you go? Is it easy to go, find connections and networks? Do you go with recommendations?

By 2020 in September, you had the opportunity to go directly. An online visa application is now available. It has become a little harder but the opportunities to go are very simple. With an application, you go straight and nobody says anything. Groups are found with suggestions or acquaintances. People approach themselves, locals. 90% of people leaving in Europe and mainly the Balkans go for business reasons.

Those who come from Europe, including Albanians, what role do they play in drug trafficking? Do they take local drugs to bring to Europe, or do they bring drugs to locals?

Ecuador does not produce. It is the main country that imports. Taken from Colombia, Peru; imported to be sent to European or Balkan countries.

The locals are the first drug dealers and then pass them on to the Europeans?

The people who invest the money, in this case, the Europeans, enter into partnerships with the locals and are 50 to 50. There are two leaders, one local and one European.

What do Albanians do on this road from Ecuador to Europe?

Albanians, in addition to the financial side, the members who bring out the goods invest money, the members who bring in the locals to invest and the persons who are intermediaries. On the one hand, you have Albanians who are stronger than Europeans or locals. Albanians are not the end of the chain, they are the beginning. Without them, nothing is done.

What are the most frequent European ports where drugs come from Ecuador?

Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany.

Are Albanian groups active in Ecuador in relation to other groups? Is there a rivalry between local groups and Albanians?

Failure to make payments are the main reasons leading to rivalry.

There have been events in recent days that show that Albanians are being killed in Ecuador. Why are they killing Albanians?

Non-payment and intrigue among Albanians.

Have the recent murders been perpetrated by Albanian or Ecuadorian perpetrators?

Ecuadorians. The war is going on. Up to 5 people were killed in 48 hours.

How many of these people who were killed did you know or work with?

Known yes.

Were they important?

Albanians here are important. As long as they have strong ties it means they are someone.

Have they had any connection with the state?

The locals work with the state and the Albanians with the locals.

Problems with local police?

They have not bothered us so far. I do not believe it will happen. If you don't bother anyone. Goods without money, without paying.

When you receive goods without paying for, what risk do you take?

You took the risk you play with life.

Do they start with eliminations?

Murders cost very little in Ecuador.

For how much money is a man killed?

From 10 thousand to 30 thousand dolars in maximum.

Are those who carry out the executions locals?

Native and all minors.

How is the economic reality in Ecuador?

Two very controversial layers with each other. One layer very rich and the other very poor.

What do the rich usually do?

Businesses, lawyers, prosecutors, factories, fruit imports, fish.

Is there security in Ecuador? Does drug trafficking make life unsafe because of the eliminations that occur in the middle of the day?

Ecuador has no security. Wherever you live, even in the safest areas. Despite the fact that foreigners try to live in safe areas. Here where we live is a very bad area.

How much does 1 kg of cocaine cost and how much can be provided with a single route?

$ 2,000.

Are you aware of any cargo that has arrived in Albanian ports recently? We have seen that some cargoes are blocked in the port of Durres.

These are things that are known.

Do you have trouble when drugs get stuck in the gates?

If it comes out on TV with facts, there is no problem whatsoever. If it turns out that the quantity was seized by the police, there is no problem between us.

How is this amount of drugs replaced?

It is called lost, it is invested by both parties.

What is it usually transported with? We have seen with banana trucks. Is this the safest way?

It is also made with imports of fish, fruits but more often with bananas.

I do not have accurate information.

Do you know people who have not been able to disconnect from this network?

I do not know. The problem there is that you like to work. No one is forcing you.

How many years do Albanians have in the Ecuadorian market?

15 years.

Who leaves and interrupts, or returns again?

Most come back.

You see this as a way to live for a long time or to make some money with which you can then live life.

It's the way you can make money but is spent easily. You can not make money with them. Easy profit, easy expenses.

Are you afraid of life when you see that people you know today no longer live because of a small mistake they may have made?

I was not afraid because I did not make any mistakes.

Have you met any important people involved in drug trafficking during your work in Ecuador?

All the people are important here.

What is the most important name of drug trafficking in Ecuador?

Does not mention names. Do not ask me this..
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