Albanian students dedicate themselves to modern coding programs

Albanian students dedicate themselves to modern coding programs
 Albanian student while working on codding program
 Coding Academies are recently increasing in Albania. Groups of young people gather in specialized training centers with 4 and 6-month programs, where they learn the latest news from digital technology.

One of them is Coding Dojo inc, one of the best American coding academies, which in Albania comes in cooperation with MetaPlan.

It's the weekend evening, but the young people gathered at the BetaPlan premises are quite focused on their projects. The working methods and techniques are intensive and promise to prepare an independent junior-level programmer in four months.

Shila Shahinasi leads a group of students of different ages and interests, but all share a passion for technology and programming.

"Basically we teach students how to learn. We are not just teaching them the techniques and syntax of the programming language, we are teaching them the mentality of how to face a problem of everyday life in terms of coding"- says the programmer Shahinasi.

The challenges of technology are universal and they have been encountered even before by alumni.

What it takes to move forward in this area is the dedication and time it takes.

Learning a programming language is the same as learning a foreign language.

Until yesterday students focused on small parts of tasks, while now they are learning how to completely solve a concrete problem of daily life.

"The reason I came here is because it is updated, and I wanted to do something that is coherent. At university, I learned the basics of programming, related to the years 2006-2008, but those basics are no longer functional in practice because are old and would not fit without an update." - says Andy Mimini, student of information technology at the University of Tirana.

The courses lead students towards a new profession and a contemporary professional ethic.

Since the beginning of this initiative in BetaPlan, there are about 70 students, studying different languages ​​in the technologies Java, Python, sharp, data science, while lessons are done in class and online.

"We started the course in September and now we are in the last week. Here I felt very good with the trained teachers and I learned a lot "- says Klea Çera, student of biotechnology at the University of Tirana.

Students estimate that the barrier between what we learn in university and the tasks that are practically required at work is very large, so the need for updating is extremely large.

The generalization program brings a complete change in the way solutions are thought out and is also a sure complement to web development, web development.

"The main reason I chose to come to BetaPlan was that I wanted to practice and increase in practice my minimal knowledge in this field. The other reason is the American culture of studying here at BetaPlan, which we find applied here in the BetaPlan curriculum"- says Angela Shegani, an information technology student at the University of Tirana.

In March 2021 the EU unveiled the digital agenda for the decade, calling for Europe to have 20 million professionals by 2030.

"For every one thousand inhabitants, there should be 33 computer science professionals, which means that programming should be taught by all professions. We are fortunate to have built a partnership with the American academy Coding Dojo inc., One of the top 10 in America, which has come here in Albania with a local partnership with the most important US principle, that businesses help businesses and people help people and integrate them into the global economic chain," said Admir Malaj, one of the organizers of the BetaPlan course.

The USA has today among the best coding academies and the Albanian youth is interested in creating as many connections as possible with their local partners, which can make a difference in the education of young programmers, developing the Albanian labor market with quality special professionals.
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