Ema Uka: How I ended up modeling and when I will return to acting

ema uka different pictures
 Ema Uka
 She has been missing from the theater scene for years, but also from Kosovo itself.

Actress Ema Uka, who for the Albanian public is identified more as ‘Lyra’ of the former comic series “O Sa Mirë”, has been away for years and moved to New York in the United States of America.

There she has almost completely changed of what has done before, dealing more with modeling, but in her heart remains acting. Going to the city that never sleeps, Emma proved that Albanians know how to be successful in the international arena, when she debuted at New York Fashion Week, in 2019.

ema uka dressed in black
 Ema Uka modeling (Photo: Christine DiPasquale)
Emma comes to the Kosovo media, Telegrafi, in an interview after a long time, to talk more about her new experience in the field of fashion and the desire to return to acting soon with an international project.

Emma, ​​how long have you been away from Kosovo, thus in the US? Why did you decide to relocate and how difficult was it to make that decision?

It was not a difficult decision as it was not planned. I can say that it happened spontaneously. In New York I first came as a tourist and immediately fell in love with the energy and opportunities that this country has. By the time I left Kosovo, I personally felt that I had achieved all my professional and creative goals for my age. Also, I am the type who challenges myself and I think New York is the right place for this.

You have started a new career in the field of fashion across the ocean. Tell us a little about how your career has evolved so far and how satisfied are you with the successes so far?

I have been lucky from the beginning because I have collaborated with the right people and this has made my journey as a model easier. I am already part of several modeling agencies here in New York. I am satisfied but normally, I expect myself to achieve even more. I can say I am very close to what I aim for in the professional field like models.

In 2019 you paraded on the catwalks of New York Fashion Week for brands like "Temraza" and "A Humming Way". Tell us a little about how this moment was for you and how proud you felt as an Albanian who has achieved this success?

It has been a very beautiful and motivating experience. Undoubtedly it is also a moment of pride for me and I hope I have been somehow an inspiration for other Albanian women who dream to touch success abroad.

ema uka modeling at New York Fashion Week, september, 2019
 Ema Uka at New York Fashion Week, September 2019 (Photo: Noam Galai / Getty Images / Guliver)
Being very far from home. How much do you miss Prishtina, society, and family? And what do you miss most from there?

Everything is harder because I do not have the most loved ones nearby. I miss the little things too much. A coffee every morning with the family. Meetings with friends. Outings, kisses, hugs with loved ones, and of course, food.

We return to Kosovo a little. You have had a bright career as an actress here. Do you miss film and theater? And will fans have the opportunity to see you again as an actress?

I miss Kosovo a lot. I really appreciate that time. That time has been one of the best moments in my life. Very soon fans will have the opportunity to see me in a series for which filming will begin soon. It's something completely different from what I've seen so far. It's an American project, filming will be held in Florida. That information at the moment, but I will share everything with you on social media.

ema uka portrait
Ema Uka portrait
Among your most prominent roles has been that of Lyra in "O Sa Mirë". Do you have nostalgia for that role and has Emma managed to get something from 'Lyra' in her personality?

I have nostalgia for that time, for the days spent with colleagues during filming and all the laughter. I can not say that I got something from the personality of 'Lyra', but that role will always remain in my heart.

How hard is it to penetrate the fashion industry in America?

Nothing is difficult in America if you work hard, have ambitions and establish good contacts and relationships with the people you work with. You have to be very dedicated and disciplined. The recommendations are very valid.

How does Emma's typical New York day start, end, and end?

I am a person who wakes up very early. I start the day with a coffee or tea and then go to the gym. After that, my day starts with full engagements, such as: meetings, ‘casting’, ‘fittings’, photography, etc. When I work, I spend most of my day at work. When I have days off, I try as much as possible to spend my time qualitatively, with loved ones. I try to spend time reading and being educated in different fields. One thing is for sure, in New York, you always have something to do.

Private life. Want to share something with readers about this piece?

I have always wanted to keep my private life private. But, I can say that I am very happy.

What is your saying about life?

Everything happens for a reason.

Emma, ​​thank you so much for being part of this interview. Finally, what would be your message to Telegraph readers?

Thank you and the Telegraph readers for your continued support. I am grateful to you!
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