Gjavit Shabanaj, Albanian candidate for the Municipal Assembly of Waidhofen an der Ybbs Niederösterreich in Austria

Political post of Gjavit Shabanaj
Political post of Gjavit Shabanaj
 Gjavit Shabanaj is a candidate for a second term in the Municipal Assembly of Waidhofen an der Ybbs Niederösterreich, in the list of the People's Party of Austria (ÖVP). 

Gjavit Shabanaj, 53 years old, born in Tomoc, Kosovo, was engaged in the last 5-year term in the Municipal Assembly of the Austrian People's Party. In 1998, she joined the Non-Governmental Organization for Migration, within the organization "Menschen.leben".

Gjavit has always tried to be active in social, cultural, and sports life.

Therefore Oculus News invites the entire Albanian community in Waidhofen an der Ybbs Austria to exercise their right to vote by voting for Gjavit. We ask all those who have the right to vote in Waidhofen Austria to express their confidence to vote by voting on behalf of ÖVP party and below is written the name Gjavit Shabanaj.
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