Meta and Basha react to the report on the increase of the level of corruption in Albania

Lulzim Basha and Ilir Meta
 Lulzim Basha and Ilir Meta
 President Ilir Meta has demanded immediate reflection on the Transparency International report which shows an increase in the corruption index in Albania.

Through a post on Facebook, Meta says that the data of the report are in line with the civic perception and the warnings made by him regarding the low level of democracy in the country.

"Unfortunately, these data are fully in line with the general conviction and perception of citizens, but also with the warnings I have made for a long time regarding the low level of democracy in the country, the lack of respect for the freedoms and rights of the use of the pandemic to strengthen authoritarianism, the lack of accountability at all levels, the abuse of public funds through concessions, PPPs and incinerators, a dire situation that continues to kill the hope and force more and more Albanians to leave the country, to build their future outside Albania", says Meta.

Even the leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha has reacted to the report of the corruption index, emphasizing that its spread to every level of government is not allowing the development of the country.

"The fight against corruption is today our national interest, to liberate the country and its institutions from the corrupt. Although a small handful of people are trying to hold the future hostage, it already belongs to the Albanians," said Basha.

The Transparency International report showed that the level of corruption in Albania has deteriorated by one point compared to 2020.

Out of 180 countries studied, Albania is ranked 110th.
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