The Network of the Albanian Scientific Community in Sweden is established

The board of the Albanian Scientific Community in Sweden
The board of the Albanian Scientific Community in Sweden
 At the initiative of Ambassador Shkëndije Geci Sherifi, today, under the auspices of the Embassy of Kosovo in Stockholm, in a formal session was established the "Albanian Scientific Community Network" in Sweden. This network includes professors, researchers, lecturers, and researchers from all Albanian regions of different academic profiles working in different universities in Sweden. The network aims at interaction, academic exchange, development of professional and social contacts where, as a platform will serve the Embassy of Kosovo in Stockholm.

This network, among others, will contribute to the connection of Kosovo with academic circles in Sweden and beyond. Within this network, it is planned to organize round tables, discussions, symposia, meetings, conferences, and various academic forums which will have a positive impact not only on Kosovo but also on scientific work in general.

Screenshot of the Albanian Scientific Community members in an online gathering
Albanian Scientific Community members in an online gathering 
In the constitutive session, the participants discussed the forms of cooperation and gave concrete proposals on how to implement them, while the Kosovo Embassy in Stockholm will serve as a bridge and facilitate communication between the network and relevant institutions of the Republic of Kosovo in order to implement these initiatives.

Currently, the network consists of the following Albanian academic community:

Armend Bekaj - Uppsala University, Researcher in the Peace and Conflict program

Arianit Kurti - Linnaeus University, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science

Mevludin Memedi - Örebro University, Professor of Informatics

Gent Ymeri - Malmö University, PhD in Computer Science and Digital Medicine

Zenun Kastrati - Linnaeus University, Professor of Informatics (Applied Machine Learning)

Donat Agushi - Uppsala University, Master of Laws (LLM)

Lindita Aliti - Linnaeus University, PhD and Assistant Professor in Social Work

Fisnik Dalipi - Linnaeus University, Professor of Informatics

Valon Junuzi- Malmö University, PhD in International Migration and Ethnic Relations

Ilir Jusufi - Linnaeus University, Professor of Informatics

Nita Mulliqi - Karolinska Institute, PhD in the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Mexhid Ferati - Linnaeus University, Professor of Informatics (Data Interface)

Erdelina Kurti - Linnaeus University, Post-doc in the Department of Informatics

Miranda Kajtazi - Lund University, Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics, also involved in gender work

Gemza Ademaj - Lund University, PhD in the Department of Informatics

Shqipe Gashi Nulleshi - Linnaeus University, PhD in Entrepreneurship and Social Change

Bahtijar Vogel - Malmö University, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology

Blerim Emruli - Lund University, Professor in the Department of Informatics

Suejb Memeti - Blekinge Institute of Technology, Professor of Computer Science

Dua Shala - Södertörn University, Master in Politics and Democratic Governance

Dua Shala was elected network coordinator, while Donat Agushi will be an assistant for scientific projects and events.

The participants agreed to create an electronic platform that will be managed by Nita Shala, while Ambassador Geci Sherifi encourages the expansion of this network with as many new participants as possible.
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