Two Albanian police officers released the wanted man after being bribed with 10 thousand euros

Albanian Special Prosecution headquarters in Tirana
 Albanian Special Prosecution headquarters in Tirana
 Two police officers have been handcuffed following an investigation by the SPAK. It is known that they caught the citizen A.M, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison, but then let him go, after taking a sum of 10 thousand euros.

According to SPAK, on ​​August 10, 2021, the police officers of the Special Operations Force Sector in the Local Police Directorate of Durrës, after being informed of the whereabouts of the wanted person, located him and apprehended him by taking him in the vehicle in which they were moving. After negotiating with wanted person A.M., police officers V.B. and G.LL. released him in exchange for receiving from him a sum of 10,000 (ten thousand) Euros.

Based on the request of the Special Prosecution Against Corruption and Organized Crime, the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime, with a decision no. 06 dated 30 January 2022, has imposed the security measure "Prison arrest".

This is the first time police officers have been arrested for this reason.
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